Song of Solomon7:13

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The mandrakes bestow

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on us the blessing of their fragrance, and at our door are all manner of precious things,

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both new and old, that I have stored up

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for you, my Love.             


Sexual excitement 

is drawing us, and we have the opportunity to be wonderfully fulfilled, like we have been in the past, yet unlike anything we have experienced before,

all because I have been making plans for us, O love of my life.



The Hebrew says, “The mandrakes give a smell.” Many translators choose to render it “five off a smell,” which sounds better in English but takes the meaning in a slightly different direction than the Hebrew implies. While the words “give off” imply sending forth, the Hebrew word for “give” used here has more to do with “delivering, bestowing, granting something directly to someone in order to bless The Hebrew says, “The mandrakes give a smell.” Many translators choose to render it “five off a smell,” which sounds better in English but takes the meaning in a slightly different direction than the Hebrew implies. While the words “give off” imply sending forth, the Hebrew word for “give” used here has more to do with “delivering, bestowing, granting something directly to someone in order to bless him.” It is not a matter of the plant sending out its fragrance to be smelled by anyone passing by, rather, the plant is pictured as delivering its fragrance directly to Solomon and His wife as a direct gift. This is why I have chosen to render it “bestow” rather than “give off.”

2: “precious things”

The word used here simply means “choice, precious, or pleasant.” It can refer to fruit or to any other desirable thing, or even a person.

3: "stored up"

If the husband meets his wife’s needs for security by cherishing and treasuring her, she will out-respond him every time, that is her nature. So men, don’t focus as much on planning something romantic as on meeting her most basic needs, and she will bring the romance. To be clear, planning something romantic is not wrong or bad, but it cannot stand alone, first you must meet her basic needs for security and feeling cherished.