Song of Solomon2:9

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9 The love of my life is like a gazelle

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or a young stag.

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Look! He stands behind our wall,

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gazing out of the windows,

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peering through the lattice-covered windows.

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The movements of the love of my life are swift and graceful; he is strong and vigorous.

Take note, he is my protection,

he is my breath of fresh air;

he refreshes me.



A gazelle is a picture of speed, grace, and beauty.


A stag is similar in its imagery to that of a gazelle, but with more emphasis on the male characteristics of strength and vigor.


A wall, be that of a city or of a house, was obviously for the purpose of protection.


Windows were used to let fresh air into a house that would otherwise be stifling with heat. Houses in those days were dark and the people were more concerned with making the house cool than making it bright.


Latticework was used to keep out the sunlight, but let in the air. A window with latticework had a refreshing effect for those in the house.

The act of peering through the latticework of the window means he is standing inside the house looking out, not standing outside looking in. During the day it was bright outside and dark in the houses, allowing one to see out, but others could not see in. When he peers through the lattice he is looking out, watching for danger.