
Previous Verse


For just as through the disobedience of the one man, the many

Go to footnote number

were designated

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as sinners, so likewise, through the obedience of the one, the many will be designated as righteous.


For in the same way that

all who were sinners were designated as sinners

through the disobedience

of that one man [Adam],

all who were considered righteous

were designated as righteous

through the obedience of the one [Jesus].



The Greek does not say “all” as in the previous verse, but rather “the many.” While all of us start out with a sinful nature, only those who believe and obey are considered righteous. The use of “the many” in the first half of the comparison and again “the many” in the second half, allows for accuracy regarding how many believe and are considered righteous, while continuing to make the point that the reconciliatory work of Christ is efficacious to undo all the harmful work of Adam.


“designated” is associated with the administration of decisions made by someone with authority. Literally it means “to put down, or to place.” It can refer to an authority figure placing an underling in a position or role, or to the authority figure proclaiming, declaring, or designating someone to be something. “Constitute” is another way to put it. Hence, according to this verse, because of Adam’s disobedience to God’s restriction about the fruit, mankind was designated as, or considered sinful by God (and His opinion is the only one that counts). Later, based on what Jesus did for us, many (i.e. all those who believe and obey) are designated or considered to be righteous by God (and only His opinion matters). We are truly sinners because we continue to do things that offend God; however, we are not truly righteous, but God considers us righteous based on the atoning work of His son Jesus.