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moreover it is the righteousness of THEOS [that comes] through faith that is connected to JESUS CHRIST

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toward all those that believe. For there is no distinction [between types of people].


specifically, I am referring to the righteousness that comes from THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, by connecting our faith to THE SPIRIT-ANOINTED SAVIOR and it comes to all those who believe in Him. This is true because the differences in people that you have focused on are null and void; [the only true distinction has to do with faith in Jesus].



In Greek there is no word between the word “faith” and the name “Jesus Christ.” That is because both the word “faith” and the name “Jesus Christ” are in the Genitive case, a noun form that is used when they intend to describe such things as possession or relationship to something or someone (and a few other situations).  It is the same case that is used in the phrase “the righteousness of God,” meaning that God is the source of that righteousness. Grammatically we could translate it “the faith of Jesus Christ,” but that makes it sound like it is His faith, not our faith. I prefer to render this statement as “the Jesus Christ kind of faith,” or “the faith that is connected to Jesus Christ.” We usually see it written as “faith in Jesus;” this phrase means basically the same thing but expresses the idea differently.