the voice
Go to footnote number 1was saying to the sixth angel, the one with the trumpet, “Release the
Go to footnote number 2the four
Go to footnote number 3of them,
who were bound
Go to footnote number 4at the great river Euphrates.”
Go to footnote number 5Paraphrase
This revelation was saying to the messenger who brought the message of warning, “Release the empowered ones whose sphere of authority covers the entire world,
and who have been kept from acting until this time,
held back by a great barrier.”
This refers to the voice from the previous verse.
While angels are usually thought of as messengers, we need to remember that they can do more than just deliver messages; they can also act on commands given to them and exercise the power and authority granted them to fulfill a task. They never act on their own, but must be empowered and commanded by their Lord. I have chosen “empowered ones” for this usage instead of “messengers” because it fits their mission more accurately.
Here the number four (which means all) is referring to their sphere of activity and the authority to make things happen. This is indicating that no one whom they intend to kill will be able to escape.
4: "bound"
Their intent is to punish; however, they can only act when God releases them to do so. Even though mankind deserves punishment, they have been kept from punishing in order to show God’s patience and mercy.
5: Euphrates
The name is from uncertain origins but possibly means “great stream.” Here it indicates a great barrier, much like the Red Sea was a barrier that bound in the Israelites, keeping them from fleeing the Egyptian army until God opened a way for them. In those days they did not have bridges over large rivers, so such bodies of water presented serious obstacles.