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Then I saw a lamb that looked like it had been slain. It was standing

in the center of the throne;

and of the four living beings

and the twenty-four elders.


had seven horns

and seven eyes,

Go to footnote number 1

which are the seven spirits of GOD,

Go to footnote number 2

which GOD

sent out

into the world.


Then I saw a lamb that looked like it had been slain. He was ready for action,

and was intimately close to the one with all the authority, and  everything He does is a result of, and a demonstration of that authority; he was supported and affirmed by the representatives of all living things and by all possible types of leaders that might exist. THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE had complete authority to rule and to punish His enemies;

He also possessed complete knowledge of everything going on because the complete power and ministry capabilities of the Holy Spirit of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, who reaches the souls of all men wherever they may be, were at His disposal, which THE CREATOR  AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS sent out into the world.



Having seven eyes is not less than being covered with eyes. Both communicate the idea of complete knowledge, just in different ways.

2: “seven spirits of God”

This is the explanation for a proper understanding of the “seven eyes.” Jesus has full knowledge of everything going on because the work of the Holy Spirit is complete, reaching to every human soul at the same time. Jesus cannot be everywhere at the same time, that is why He sent the Holy Spirit in His place. Ever since then they have been fulfilling their distinct roles without infringing on the role of the other.

The Lamb

As is typical in Revelation, John is told one thing and sees another, for it takes more than one mental image to communicate the breadth and depth of these truths. While Jesus has all authority and all power (like a lion), and while you don’t want to mess with Jesus or be aligned with those who oppose Him, He is also meek, humble and gentle (like a lamb). He is THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE. The most important thing about this change from a lion to a lamb is that Jesus was showing His followers how to face opposition. Jesus has already prevailed over His opponents, and He did so, not with military might, nor by striking them dead, but by being faithful to His calling until the very end, unto death. This may not sound like much encouragement for those facing persecution, but it was. Jesus is our example, if He suffered and died for us, we can hold on a little longer and suffer or die for Him.

The word “slain” is also used of the martyrs elsewhere in Revelation 6:9 and Revelation 18:24.   Yeatts says it this way, “Just as Christ conquered through suffering and death Revelation 5:9 and Revelation 17:14 so faithful Christians overcome through their suffering and even martyrdom Revelation 12:11 Revelation 15:2.

The verb tense used for “slain” implies that it was not just something that happened in the past, but it was a past event that has longstanding consequences. Its effects continue on perpetually. The shedding of Jesus’s blood was a one-time event with perpetual consequences.