‘I know your deeds.
Because your strength is
small, and yet you have kept my word and not denied my name, behold,
Go to footnote number 1I have
placed before you an open door, one which no one can shut.
‘I know what you have done and haven’t done, and how you have responded in your situation; my actions are based on what you have done. Because your strength is small, and yet you have kept my word and not denied my name,
look at what I have done, I have placed before you a wide open opportunity which no one can block.
The word often translated “Behold” is one of the Greek words for “see” or “look,” but it means so much more than that. It actually has a wide range of possible meanings determined by context. Some of those possibilities are: “Pay attention,” “Look what I did,” “Watch out!” “Wow,” and others.