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“Behold, I am

coming without unnecessary delay.

Go to footnote number 1

Blessed is the one who faithfully obeys the words of  prophecy

Go to footnote number 2

of this scroll.”


“Pay attention to this—I am coming without unnecessary delay. Blessed is the one who faithfully obeys the commands which reveal the mind of God, and are recorded in this scroll.”



These are the words of Jesus that the reader has been waiting for since the scroll with seven seals was introduced in chapter 5. “Without unnecessary delay,” is a better rendering of the Greek than is “soon.” The point is that Jesus will come to His faithful followers who are experiencing hard times and He will not delay beyond what they can bear. He will come to them in the form of strength and perseverance, in joy and peace. He will sometimes rescue them from their trials, but most of the time He will give what is needed to endure those trials, and thus they will become like Him—gaining victory over their enemies through suffering. It may also be a reference to Christ’s final coming to reward or punish according to how men have lived. It is definitely a reference to His coming to each one personally, and it may also have that double meaning of coming for all.


Prophecy is making known the mind of God. Most of the time that referred to the consequences that are sure to come for sins being committed right now. This is the short version of the message; the full message will be given starting in Revelation 22:12. The message was interrupted at this point probably because Jesus planned a pause at this moment knowing that John would need a time to react.