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If anyone should take away

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from the words

of the scroll of

this prophecy GOD

will take away his part in the tree of life

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and take him out of the holy city, who are written about in this scroll.

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If anyone should strive to decrease the consequences that would negatively affect one’s self, or remove them from the truths revealed in this scroll, which is the mind of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, He will take away his connection to the source of true life and take him out of the collective people of God, who are written about in this scroll.



We have often heard that we cannot add to or take away from the actual words of this book, meaning the book of Revelation. This is not true symbolism, but it does mean something more than the sum total of the words used. In this case the exhortation has to do with looking at our own hearts and not pointing at someone else. We should not wish the punishments be added to others, rather we should be concerned that our own hearts are right with God. Likewise, we should not wish for God to take away punishments that we deserve, but we should make sure we have been forgiven of all our sins and are striving to live a life that are pure in His sight.


The “tree of life” is an obvious reference to the Garden of Eden where a certain tree was presented as a symbolic source of life. We know that true life, purposeful life, eternal life, does not actually come from a tree, but from God, through whatever means He chooses. Many people will say that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a real tree with real consequences, and I would say yes, the consequences were real, but the power was not in the fruit itself but in the action of taking it and eating it in violation of God’s command. It was the act of disobedience that had the power to bring about the consequences which all of us now face, not the fruit itself. God could have chosen any tree to play that role. As I see it, the tree of life is likewise a representation of the source of life, which we know to be God Himself.

3: "this scroll"

We do not find a list of the names of the faithful recorded in Revelation, but we do find them described and characterized. Since it is referring to the scroll that John wrote, it must be distinguished from the “book of life.” This scroll that John wrote was intended to encourage the saints and point out what kind of people they are, what kind of actions and allegiances characterize their lives.