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Then he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy

Go to footnote number

of this scroll, for indeed

the time is near.


Then he said to me, “Do not restrict access to the words which reveal the mind of God,

recorded in this scroll, for indeed the time is near.



Although it is in the Greek, I have not included the word prophecy in my paraphrase because of our misguided understanding of what prophecy is. We think prophecy is mostly about predicting the future, while in the Bible prophecy was words that revealed the mind of God. As was explained earlier, I calculate that 87% of what is called prophecy in the Bible is “forth-telling” (telling forth the will and mind of God for the present), and 13% is “foretelling” (predicting something specific that will happen in the future). So I have chosen to restate it as “words of this scroll which reveal the mind of God.”