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In the city

I did not see a temple

for the LORD,



and THE LAMB are

its temple.

Go to footnote number


Among God’s collective people I did not see a special, set-aside place for connecting with God, for THE SUPREME RULER, THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, THE ALL-POWERFUL ONE, and THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE are accessible to the believer directly at all times for connection and closeness.



In Greek the verb is singular “is its temple.” The temple served to give us access to God. Open access to God was evidenced by the tearing of the curtain in the temple when Jesus died. He died to give us wide-open access to God’s amazing grace. The physical temple was itself a picture of our relationship with God which can be developed anywhere. We do not need a physical place in order to connect with God, for God the Father and His Son, the Lamb, have provided everything we need to live for Him (II Peter 1:3 ) For anyone facing persecution or strong opposition, symbolism in reference to the church would be more encouraging than symbolism that referred to heaven.