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The wall

of the city had foundations

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with every type of precious stone;

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the first foundation with jasper, the second with sapphire, the third with chalcedony, and the fourth with emerald,


The protection

of the people was based on key principles

which are beautiful in their own right, and which display qualities that are desirable and rare;

these principles are a collection of examples of things that are pure and uncontaminated,


1: "foundations"

The principles that pertain to unity are primarily spiritual in nature, but they also have to do with our relationship with those around us. As has been mentioned, we play a part in the protection of our souls, and so does God. It is a team effort. As we learn to protect our souls from temptation and bad attitudes, those things that can make us undesirable become fewer and the following of sound spiritual principles brings a beauty that shines from deep within just like the precious stones mentioned below.

2: The names of the jewels that follow

 We do not know exactly what modern gems correspond to the ancient names in every case. Also, some of these go by, or have gone by different names down through history. The important thing is what they represent, which in this case is easier to ascertain than their actual identity.