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From the East

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three gates [exited];

from the North

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three gates;

from the South

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three gates;

from the West

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three gates.


In the most important things relating to life itself,

the access was guarded flawlessly;

in the pleasant times,

the access was guarded flawlessly;

in hardship and suffering,

the access was guarded flawlessly, in the unknown and as one draws near to death, the access was guarded flawlessly.


1: “East”

The general meaning of this passage is that God’s protection comes from all directions, covering all aspects of life. However, there are nuances of meaning associated with each direction, making the impact of the passage much stronger. East represented the source of life and vitality because it is where the sun rose. Most good things were thought to come from East.


North was the direction from which pleasant winds came bringing moisture and cooler temperatures.


South was the direction from which hot, dry winds came. Winds from the south meant more hardship and suffering. The Hebrew word for “south” is “negev” which is often translated “desert.” The desert was a picture of hardship and even death. Egypt was also to the south, and Egypt was often a picture of sin in the Bible. Thus, almost everything coming from the South was seen in a negative light.


In those days the maps of all the cultures in that part of the world faced East. Thus the West would be behind you, signifying the unknown things of life. The West is also the place where the sun sets, and since the sun represents life, the West can represent the approach of death.

In all these circumstances, be they good or bad, God’s protection is a perfect score of 3, because 3 was one of the numbers symbolizing perfection. God is in control; nothing takes him by surprise, nothing happens unless He allows it; and if He allows it, He will provide the strength we need to be spiritually victorious in it. Revelation encourages believers suffering hardship for the name of Jesus by pointing out how God has protected and strengthened all believers in the past. He will be faithful to do it again no matter what your situation looks like.