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Then I saw thrones

and those who sat upon them, and the authority to render judgment

was given to them.

And I also saw the souls of those who have been beheaded because of the testimony of JESUS, and

because of the

word of GOD,

and I saw

those who did not worship

THE BEAST or his image,

and did not

take his mark

upon their foreheads

or upon their hand;


became alive and,

with CHRIST,

reigned for one thousand years.

Go to footnote number


Then I saw realms of authority along with those who exercised that authority, and the power necessary to render judgment and follow through with it was given to them.

And I also saw the souls of

those who have been

beheaded because of

their testimony about THE SAVIOR, and because they were not ashamed of the word of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, and I saw those who did not demonstrate gratitude, allegiance and commitment by their words and actions to THE FEROCIOUS CREATURE or anything that pointed to him or was connected to him, and did not willingly receive the sign of allegiance to him as a sign of being guided by his priorities or as a sign of being committed to act as he desires; these came to life again and with THE SPIRIT-ANOINTED SAVIOR exercised authority in a complete, unstoppable, lasting way.



Is 1,000 years symbolism or a literal 1,000 years? Everything else in Revelation seems to make more sense as symbolism, so it is likely that this is also symbolism. Here also it makes more sense if we take the meaning of it as symbolism, than if we take the popular explanations of a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ.