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Then I saw a throne,

great and white,

Go to footnote number 1

and I saw

the one sitting on it,

from whose face

the earth and

the heavens

Go to footnote number 2


and there was no place found for them.


Then I saw

authority itself,

immense and pure, and I saw

the one exercising that authority, and His inner qualities that were being revealed to all were so far beyond everything else that the abode of men, and even

the abode of the angels,

could not remain in his presence,

in fact, it was impossible for them to go far enough away to match how much greater His qualities are than theirs.



The white throne is more about quality of judgment than an event of judgment. Indeed, there will come a time when God judges all mankind; it may even be a single event. However, that is not the primary point. The idea being communicated is that God’s judgment is pure, right, and just, communicated by the color white.

2: “The earth and heavens fled”

This is a quasi-symbol: Here it makes most sense to convey heaven as the abode of the angels because it is being contrasted with the abode of men.