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A voice came out of the throne

which said, “Continue to praise our GOD

all you His servants, and all who fear Him, both small and great.”


The practice of awarding just consequences to all actions spoke up as if it were a person and said, “All of you who serve Him should continue to praise THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS whom we serve, and all you who fear Him, both small and great.”

“A Voice Came Out of the Throne.”

The throne represents authority and power to rule. Usually the word picture is that of the person sitting on the throne, i.e. the person exercising authority. But in this case, it is the throne itself which speaks, i.e. authority itself spoke. The best way I can find to express this is to say that the practice of awarding consequences for all actions, spoke up. The message is given to the faithful, who seem not to need it, for they are already praising the Lord and they have shown the proper kind of “fear” of God and His consequences. Those speaking have suffered the rejection of man but the approval of God as a consequence for their commitment and faithfulness. It can also be argued that the main point of this statement is that God is worthy of praise. If we focus on who is doing the praising, we have missed the point that He deserves praise. Besides that, we should all praise God all the time. There is no reason to stop praising Him, for the closer we get to God the more we see how worthy He is to receive our praise.