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The BEAST was


along with the false prophet, who performed signs

before him

by which

he deceived those who

received the mark of


and those who worshipped its image; they were both

cast alive into

the lake of fire

Go to footnote number

which burns with brimstone.

Go to footnote number


The FEROCIOUS CREATURE was defeated and rendered powerless, along with the false prophet, who performed demonstrations of power under the authority of the ferocious creature; by which he deceived those who

willingly and openly pledged their allegiance to THE FEROCIOUS CREATURE and loved and followed its character traits. Both of them were kept alive so they could receive their long-awaited punishment sent directly from God, unavoidable and extreme.



The combination of the word pictures “Lake” and “fire” would bring to mind for the ancient people of Israel a demand for punishment which has been accumulating and growing stronger for a long time. It has to do with their ideas about water, and how a large body of water represented abundance or great quantity. Therefore, this is not an ordinary punishment, nor a one-time punishment. This is great, well-deserved and long-term punishment.


Brimstone would bring to mind Sodom and Gomorrah, where they saw punishment coming from heaven instead of from a natural source; it was something they could not get away from, and it is seen throughout the rest of the Bible as an extreme case of punishment.