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Then I saw one angel standing in the sun; he called out with a loud voice to all the birds

flying high above the earth,

Go to footnote number 1

saying, “Come! Gather yourselves to the great supper GOD

is providing,


17 Then I saw one

angel surrounded by intense glory; he called out with a voice of authority to all the scavengers who

maintain their vigilance from the highest points in the sky, the very apex of the sun’s course overhead, saying, “Come! Gather yourselves together in preparation for how THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS will provide more than you need,



Literally “mid-heaven.” This is the highest point where the birds can fly, but it was also used of the apex of the sun’s course over the earth. From such a high vantage point one can see everything. Note that the angel who is standing where he can see everything (in the sun) calls the birds who are able to see everything (flying in mid-heaven) so that when God acts they can be ready to pick up the pieces.