Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword,
Go to footnote number 1so that with it he might strike down the nations, and he will rule them with an iron scepter, for He treads the wine press filled with the fury and the wrath of GOD, THE ALMIGHTY.
Go to footnote number 2Paraphrase
From His innermost being come words that cut to the very core,
enabling Him to bring ruin
to all types of people, and He will rule them with harsh authority, for He is the one exacting punishment based on the fury and wrath of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, THE ALL-POWERFUL ONE.
1: “Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword”
His words cut to the core because they are truth and they expose the sinfulness and guilt of man. The enemies of God are killed with the “sword” from the mouth of Jesus, i.e. His words, His truth. Satan uses deceit as his primary tool, Jesus defeats him with truth. His words alone are enough to judge because they reveal the heart and divide between the righteous and the unrighteous.
The Greek for this clause says, “He treads the wine press of the fury, of the wrath of God, of the Almighty.” This is a way to emphasize the wine press and what is being processed in it. Once again we see a layering for the sake of emphasis—the first layer is the idea of pressing, i.e. squishing in order to separate. The second and third layers are the words fury and wrath. Although they are synonyms they are used in tandem for the sake of emphasis. The fourth layer is that this is God’s wrath and fury, not just a human potentate. And to make sure we get the point, the title “Almighty One” is added so there can be no doubt regarding which attribute of God is in focus here. God Himself is preparing to bring His punishment for sin upon the rebellious (in modern English, to put a big-time hurt on them) and He is more than capable of delivering what He says; this is no idle threat.