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He also has a robe that has been immersed in blood,

and his name

is called The Word of GOD.

Go to footnote number


He shows evidence of having been through many battles and come out victorious, and His name is called The One Who Reveals the qualities of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS.


1: “And His name is called the WORD OF GOD”

Is this a contradiction? In the previous verse, Jesus, the rider on the white horse, has a name no one can know, but here his name is given. If one tries to interpret this literally it seems like a contradiction. If one sees this as symbolism it makes perfect sense. Jesus is the revelation of God; that is what the title “Word of God” means. The same truth is expressed in John 1:1 where He is also called the “Word.” Yet as we saw in the verse prior to this one, there are aspects of God that we cannot understand. He has a reputation and a set of qualities that we can know because they are revealed to us; yet we should not think we know all there is about God because some of it has been withheld from us.