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I saw heaven standing open, and behold,

there was a white

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horse and

someone sitting on it who is called Trustworthy and Reliable,

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who judges and makes war justly,


I saw that access to God was available to all, and wow, I was amazed because there was victory, showing how decisive and powerful it is, along with the one who had secured the victory, who is called Trustworthy and Reliable, who judges, defends His own, and punishes His opponents justly,



The victor in a military conquest often rode on a white horse during the victory parade.

2: “Called Trustworthy and Reliable”

This phrase is usually translated “Faithful and True.” “Faithful” comes from the word “believe;” here it is not Jesus who believes, but He is the one others can believe in. He has been proved worthy of our faith and trust, thus “trustworthy.” “True or truth” in the Hebrew mind have more to do with reliability in relationship than with abstract or philosophical concepts. If Jesus is trustworthy and reliable He is the best example for the suffering believers, and He is also the one most capable of judging justly and waging war (i.e. protecting His own and punishing His adversaries) in a just manner.