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and he shouted with a very loud voice, saying, “Fallen! Fallen is BABYLON the great!

She has become a

dwelling place of demons and a place from which there is no escape

Go to footnote number

for the unclean things, or the unclean birds,

or the unclean and detestable creatures.


and he shouted

with a very loud voice,

saying, “Destroyed! THAT OPEN DOOR TO THE WORSHIP OF MANY GODS, and THAT GREAT SOURCE OF CONFUSION, has been destroyed! She has become a place where one is sure to encounter demons, sure to encounter every kind of unclean spirit, and every kind of scavenger that benefits from the death of others, and everything that does not conform to God’s standards.


1: “no escape”

Here the Greek word is “prison.” Demons and unclean things are so prevalent there that it appears they are held there against their will. The real point being made is that one is sure to find them there. Whether or not they are truly “imprisoned” in that city is questionable; but the likelihood of encountering them there should not be doubted.