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The ripe fruits your soul longed for are departed from you,

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all your sumptuous and splendid things

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have departed from you, they will never, ever

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be found.’


and their mourning sounds like this: ‘the good things your soul longed for have left you, and your luxurious and splendid lifestyle

has disappeared, and it will never,

ever return (to you or to us).’



Verse 11 says that they mourned because of the loss of sales; the list of the types of cargo they sold, found in verses 12 and 13, is set in parentheses to show it is an interruption of the line of thought. Verse 14 picks up that line of thought by telling us what their lament sounded like.


Even with all she had, she desired more. The desire for wealth does not know the word “enough.”


This word means “fat, fatty, or oily.” It came to mean sumptuous because meat, especially beef, with fat in it has much more flavor than that of a lean, old cow with no fat. That is why they kept one calf penned up and fed it grain to fatten it up just the way they wanted it, and they called it “the fatted calf, or the fattened calf”.

The word rendered “splendid” means “bright, shiny.”

4: “Will never, ever be found”

In English it is improper to use a double negative, but here the Greek uses a triple negative as an extremely emphatic “never!” I don’t even know how to express a triple negative in English.