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While standing afar off because of the fear of

her torment, they say, ‘Alas! Alas,

Go to footnote number

O great city,

the strong city,


for your judgment has come upon you in one hour.’


While staying

far away for fear of

reaping the same torment, they say, ‘This is so sad! This is terrible! You were the greatest

source of power, prestige, and luxury, in fact, you were the invincible source of power, prestige and luxury, with a monopoly on those things; [we loved you] even though you were the source of CONFUSION, and even though you OPENED THE DOOR TO THE WORSHIP OF MANY GODS, but now your judgment has come upon you all at once.’



This is one of the 6 “woes” of Revelation. However, I have translated this one, and the next two, using the word “alas” to better depict the intent and sentiment of the speakers.