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with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality,

Go to footnote number

and those dwelling on the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her lewdness.”

Go to footnote number


with whom the

earth’s rulers have

committed immoral acts,

and the rest of the people

dwelling on the earth have become addicted to the

intoxicating influence of her lewdness.”



Throughout this passage the phrase “sexual immorality” is used to point to more than just itself; it is referring to many types of immorality, not just one.

2: “made drunk with the wine of her lewdness”

This is a picture of political rulers, financial powerhouses and the common people as well following along with whatever is politically correct in order to get something in return. The only reason political correctness even exists is because there is something to be gained from doing something that is only right in light of politics but wrong in every other sense. People are willing to do immoral things to keep the people in control happy.