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These will make war

Go to footnote number

against the LAMB, but

He will conquer them for He is the KING OF KINGS

and LORD OF LORDS, and those accompanying Him are called, and chosen and faithful.”


These will make war against THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE, but He will conquer them for He is the SOVEREIGN ABOVE ALL SOVEREIGNS and RULER ABOVE ALL RULERS, and those accompanying Him are called, and chosen and faithful.”



The text is still referring to the “strongholds” of human culture, which are not identical in every culture across all time. For example we now should add the internet and other modern technology as strongholds in their own rights. The way this vision presents them makes it sound like the strongholds have a will of their own and they have decided to give their authority to the Beast and make war against the Lamb. We know logically that they have no will of their own and that these aspects of culture that are powerful influences in the lives of the people of that culture are neither good nor bad in themselves. They are tools that can be used for good or for evil. Some of them, like the family, were designed and ordained by God. However, all these strongholds are battlegrounds that Satan fights to gain control over. The extent to which he gains control over them is the extent to which they will be used to “make war” against the Lamb. When Satan has gained control over approximately 80% of a stronghold, it appears to have given its authority to Satan.