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and the great city

was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations


and BABYLON The Great

Go to footnote number


was remembered

before GOD,

to give her

the cup of the wine

of the fury of His wrath;


the great center of wealth and power was divided so that its power was minimal, and the power-centers for other nations also were made insignificant, and

the undisputed capital of wealth and human power which was also THE GATEWAY OF THE GODS AND THE SOURCE OF CONFUSION,

was brought to the attention of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, resulting in that center of human power receiving the consequences demanded by the evidence,

consequences which changed its demeanor and altered its abilities,

consequences characterized by severe and unrelenting punishment;


1: The meaning of Babylon

If it is of Akkadian origin it means “the gate of the gods,” but if it is of Hebrew origin it means “confusion,” pointing to the confusion God brought to the peoples at the tower of Babel. I imagine the Jews of John’s day were well aware of both meanings. So once again I strive to communicate both aspects of meaning.