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And I saw coming from the mouth of the DRAGON, and from the mouth of the BEAST,

and from the mouth of


Go to footnote number

three unclean spirits,

like frogs.


And I saw the inner character of the GREAT DECEIVER revealing itself, likewise I saw the inner character of the FEROCIOUS CREATURE and the inner character of the FRAUDULENT PROPHET, all were being revealed in the form of some utterly foul spirits, displaying the most detestable of all spiritual conditions.


1: “The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet”

Don’t focus on their identities, but on the roles they play. The Beast is the opposite of the Lamb. The dragon is a reference to the dragon from the Garden of Eden; he is the great deceiver and as such is the opposite of Jesus, the revealer of truth. The false prophet stands in contrast to those who have revealed the truth of God down through history, Jesus being the key one of them all.