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Out of the temple came seven angels

having the seven plagues,

having been clothed in pure, shining linen,

Go to footnote number

and having been girded about the chest with belts

Go to footnote number

of gold.


Out of the presence of God came a full contingency of messengers bearing the full complement of plagues; the messengers were

characterized by true, uncompromised purity, and possessing a balanced combination of the resources to console and purify.



This is a triple emphasis using three words that mean the same thing: first the adjective pure, then the adjective shining, and then symbol of linen. All of these describe purity. Linen could also indicate luxury, but that does not fit here. It was known to the ancients for promoting better health by facilitating cleanliness, but health was a byproduct of purity; health was the effect, purity the cause.

2: “girded about the chest with belts of gold”

There is an apparent contradiction in the symbolism here. These angels are about to pour seven plagues upon the followers of the Beast, meaning the full punishment of God. However, they are dressed in a way that says they are full of comfort and consolation. How can that be? They bring comfort to God’s saints by punishing the wicked; they also offer yet another opportunity to repent. God’s wrath is always balanced and proper; His punishment is well deserved, yet His mercy is available up until the very last moment.