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Who will not fear you Oh LORD, and give glory to your name,

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for you alone are holy?

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For all the nations will come and prostrate themselves before you, because your righteous acts have been revealed.”


Since you alone are holy, is there anyone who dares to not

fear you, OH SUPREME RULER, and refuses to give glory to your name? In reality, all the nations will come and prostrate themselves before you, because your righteous acts have been revealed.”


1: “Give glory to your name”

Someday everyone will acknowledge the Lordship of God and of Jesus (Phil 2:10-11: So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, be it in heaven or on the earth or in the underworld, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the LORD, to the glory of God the Father). Even those opposed to God will acknowledge it, but it will be too late to avert the consequences of their rebellion.


The word for “holy” used here is not the common word for holy. This one is more rare and seems to have a special connection to the Messiah and His redemptive work, which fits the context well.