They are singing the song of Moses the servant of GOD,
and the song of the LAMB,
which says, “Great
and wonderful are your works, O LORD,
Your ways are righteous and true, O King of the nations.
Go to footnote number 1Paraphrase
They are singing a song of victory which tells how the servants of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS have remained faithful and overcome all earthly assaults, and another song of victory which tells how THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE has overcome sin and the tempter; this song says, “Great and awe-inspiring are your works, O SUPREME RULER, THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, THE ALMIGHTY ONE, your acts are righteous and true, O King over the nations.
The best Greek manuscripts say either “King over the nations” or “king for the ages.” The KJV, which says “King of saints,” is based on a set of manuscripts that were given the name “textus receptus,” the “received texts.” However, in this verse and others, the “received texts” do not have a good foundation in the manuscript evidence.