Then I saw another great and marvelous sign in heaven, seven angels
holding seven plagues;
Go to footnote number 1these are the last
plagues, because with them the wrath
of GOD is satisfied.
Then I saw another great and marvelous teaching tool in heaven, all the angels needed to do the job well were holding all the punishments needed for those deserving them; these are the last plagues because with them the wrath of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS is satisfied.
In the book of Exodus, the plagues were not intended to make people uncomfortable, rather they served to demonstrate God’s power as greater than the power of the gods of Egypt (See Ray VanderLaan, That the World May Know, vol. 8, session 3). Thus, the Jews of John’s day would have seen these plagues in Revelation as demonstrations that our God is greater than any other spiritual force out there. God will do again what He has done before, so I do not need to worry when things start getting chaotic.