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Yet another angel approached, this one came from

the altar, with authority over

the fire, and he called out with a loud voice to the one with the sharp sickle saying, “Dispatch

your sharp sickle

and gather

Go to footnote number

the clusters from the vine that covers

the earth,

because its grapes

have ripened.”


Yet another messenger approached, this one came from the tool for staying connected to God; he came with authority over that which punishes and purifies, and he called out with a loud voice to the one with the resources to punish or reward saying, “Dispatch your resources to punish or reward,

put an end to all activity and begin the process of revealing the deeds and accomplishments of

all people because their deeds and accomplishments are now

fully evident.”



To “gather” is not the same as to “judge,” but it is the end of all efforts to influence the final outcome, and the beginning of the process of judgement. And what is judgment? It is a revealing of the truth of one’s actions, followed by the consequences those actions merit.