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I looked and behold, a white cloud, and

upon the cloud there was one sitting who had the appearance of the SON OF MAN; a crown

of gold

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was on his head,

and he had a sharp sickle

in His hand.


I looked and was amazed to see a demonstration of purity and superhuman power, and the one in control over that power had the appearance of GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S PROBLEMS;

proof of the victories he had won fairly and honorably made him highly esteemed; he also had the resources to punish or reward and the ability to do so effectively.



The most common meaning for gold is the idea of “purity.” In the context of victories won purity is demonstrated by having won without cheating, without relying on someone else’s strength while calling it your own. He won it “fair and square,” thus He deserves all the honor and praise.