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Then I heard a voice out of heaven saying, “Write: Blessed are those who die in the LORD,

especially those who die in Him from now on.”

Go to footnote number

The SPIRIT says, “Yes, for they will rest from their labors and their works follow them.”

Go to footnote number


Then I heard a voice out of heaven saying, “Write: Blessed are those who die in proper standing with THE SUPREME RULER, especially those who die in Him from now on.” The SPIRIT OF GOD says, “Yes, for they will rest from their labors and their works will follow them.”



What does it mean to “die in the Lord?” It means to be obedient to Him till the end, whether that means martyrdom or not. What is meant by the words “from now on?” I suggest that it is a warning to the believers to not slack off, to not think that the hard times are over and they can relax. All believers everywhere must understand the importance of remaining strong “in the Lord.”


“Rest from their labors” means enjoying the rewards of those labors; and having “their works follow them” means the rewards of their work will be ongoing. We cannot get away from the consequences of our actions, either good or bad; in the case of the faithful followers of Jesus they are good actions with positive rewards.