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Herein the patient endurance of the saints, i.e. those who obey

GOD’S commands

and keep their faith in JESUS, [is demonstrated and rewarded].”

Go to footnote number


In this type of situation the patient endurance of the saints, i.e. those who obey the commands of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS and keep their faith in THE SAVIOR, is demonstrated and rewarded.”



I believe the statement “herein . . . is” to be intentionally broad, thus conveying the following ideas: 1) Their faithful endurance has been demonstrated by the fact that they lived differently from the world, 2) their endurance is being rewarded in that the wicked are receiving punishment while the faithful are being comforted for the suffering they have endured for His name. This way of understanding this verse is confirmed by what is said in the next verse.