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he will likewise

Go to footnote number

drink of the wine

of the wrath of GOD,

which has been mixed, undiluted, in the cup of His wrath,

Go to footnote number

and he will be tormented

in fire and brimstone

before the holy angels

and before the LAMB.


like the city, he will take in and absorb the overwhelming impact

of the wrath of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, which has been prepared, full strength, in the reservoir designed for the unperceived but steady accumulation of His wrath,

and he will be tormented with destructive punishment and fear-inducing destruction, while the righteous and faithful angels serve as witnesses, and with THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE as a witness as well.


1: “Likewise”

This means it is similar to the punishment of the “city” that lead them astray. The punishment of the followers will resemble the punishment of the leaders.


The term “cup” could have a positive or a negative usage depending on what was being accumulated in that cup. When used along with a description of  God’s wrath it is a picture of God patiently enduring man’s offenses, yet keeping record of them in order to know when the line has been crossed and punishment is unavoidable. I refer to it in the paraphrase column as unperceived because God is not acting at the present moment to exact punishment, and because He is waiting, it may seem to some people that He will never do anything about those offenses. Therefore, the word picture of the cup was used in Scripture to remind people that God will indeed punish—when it is the proper time—when the cup is full.