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If anyone [is to go] into captivity,

into captivity he goes,

if anyone is to be killed by the sword, he must be killed by the sword.

Go to footnote number

Herein is

the endurance and

faith of the saints.

Go to footnote number


If the consequences of someone’s actions call for him to go into captivity, he will indeed go into captivity; if the consequences of someone’s actions call for him to die by the sword, he must die by the sword. Herein is found

the endurance and faith of the saints.



The Greek says, “If anyone into captivity, into captivity he goes.” This is ambiguous because we are left guessing about the missing verb. Some suggest it is saying that those who take others into captivity, must go into captivity. But that is not as natural as the interpretation that simply says, “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go.” It is thus a statement about accumulated consequences in general. The next clause is slightly more clear, it says, “if anyone to be killed by the sword, it is a must that he be killed by the sword.” In Greek the infinitive form is the same for both sides of this sentence: “be killed . . . be killed.” This points more clearly than the first clause to the accumulated consequences in a general sense.

2: “Herein is the endurance and faith of the saints”

This means that endurance and faith are required. The attitude of the saints should always be the same, trust in God, stay true to God, for He will judge justly.