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And the DRAGON was angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of the offspring of the woman,

Go to footnote number

those who keep

the commands of GOD and hold to

the testimony of JESUS.

Go to footnote number



was angry with

the people of God and went off to

wage war against all generations of the people of God,

those who keep

the commands of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS and hold to the testimony of THE SAVIOR.



Some think “the rest of the offspring of the woman,” refers to the Gentiles in contrast to the Jews. However, such a distinction is not natural in Revelation because Revelation strongly emphasizes all peoples from all nations. I believe it is more natural to think of it as other generations of believers that came after the time of John. This is intended as encouragement for believers who are facing attacks. It is reminding them that God has protected others before them, making possible the arrival of our Savior, so He can protect you too, and keep you spiritually strong. Thus “the rest of the offspring of the woman” seems to fit those who will come after John and will face similar opposition. The phrase is explained in the next clause as “those who keep the commands of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” This is a general statement, it can pertain to either Jews or Gentiles, but not to people who pretend to follow Jesus, only to His faithful committed followers.


The statement, “And he (the DRAGON) stood on the sand of the sea” appears in three different places in the Greek manuscripts, at the end of 12:17, as 12:18. and at the beginning of 13:1. Go to 12:18 to see the paraphrase of this statement and a footnote about the use of “the sea.”