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Their bodies will be upon the street

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of the great city,

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which spiritually is called


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and EGYPT,

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also where their LORD

was crucified,

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The proof of their demise will be

visible in an unavoidable and disgraceful way, to those

seeking power and advantage,

which in the spiritual realm is the same as DEPRAVITY and SINS IN GENERAL.

THE SUPREME RULER to whom the team of witnesses is loyal was crucified in the midst of all that wickedness.



If something was laying in the street it was not only visible to all, but it was in the way, requiring evasive action to get around it. If this thing were a human body it was disgraceful, offensive, and repulsive. It was something that should not happen.


The reference to the “great city” should be taken to be more than just a large population center. In Scripture there were often contrasts made between city life and country living. The city was not only the place of shelter against attack, but also the place where the rich and powerful lived. Thus it was the place where people went if they were seeking to climb the social ladder, seeking power and advantage.


The meaning of the name “Sodom” is unknown, so it is only its reputation that is in view here. Sodom and Gomorrah were the symbolic representation of the lowest level of degradation and depravity. Those names went together so closely that it was not necessary to say both names; the mention of one brought to mind the other.


Egypt is often portrayed in Scripture as representing sin in general; this is especially evident in the prophets. God brought Israel out of Egypt, i.e. out of sin. Jesus not only came to earth, but He also went down to Egypt, i.e. He had contact with, and thus knowledge of, all types of sin. It does not matter that the trip to Egypt happened when He was a baby, it is the power of the symbolism that counts. The term Egypt in Hebrew means “sons of Ham,” or “the second son of Ham.” This would have brought to mind the instance in which Ham disgraced his father Noah and his two brothers had to take special and careful action to cover their father’s disgrace. Thus the name Egypt is associated with shame and disgrace, the results of sin.

5: “Sodom, and Egypt, also where their Lord was crucified.”

This is another situation in which it is obvious that we cannot take this statement literally, for Jesus was not crucified in Sodom or Egypt.