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Then the seventh

Go to footnote number 1

angel sounded his trumpet, and there was heard in heaven a great number of voices saying, “The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our LORD and of His CHRIST,

Go to footnote number 2

and He will reign forever and forever.”


Then the last messenger gave his important announcement and there was heard in heaven a great

number of voices saying,

“The rulership over this world has come under the rule

of our SUPREME RULER and His SPIRIT ANOINTED SAVIOR, and His rule will last for all ages.”



Here the number seven pictures completion in the sense of finality, bringing something to a close.


“Christ” means “Anointed One;” Messiah means ‘Anointed One.” The Jews saw the Messiah as a savior figure, and rightly so. By including in the paraphrase the title “Anointed Savior” I am joining together both the meaning of the title and the expectations that went with that title.