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and from JESUS


the faithful witness,

Go to footnote number 1

the first born of the dead,

Go to footnote number 2

and the ruler over

the kings of

the earth. Glory

and power belong

Go to footnote number 3

for ever and ever to the one who loves us, and by means of His blood has released us from the bonds of our sins,


and from THE SPIRIT-ANOINTED SAVIOR, the faithful martyr,

the most important one of all those who have died (because He rose from the dead) and the ruler over the supposed powerful men of the earth.

May praise for His glory and acknowledgement of His power

be given through all ages to the one who loves us, and by means of His blood has released us from

the bonds of our sins,



The word for “witness” and “martyr” is the same Greek word. Jesus was the witness in that He knew the Father personally and came as a human to show us the Father. But more importantly, and closer related to the theme of Revelation (encouragement for the persecuted), Jesus was killed for His witness concerning the Father. Here at the beginning of the vision we are reminded that Jesus also suffered and died for what He testified to.


The “first born” son had a place of privilege. He was the most important, and most honored. It is widely agreed that the phrase “first born of the dead” is a reference to the resurrection. He is the most important one to die precisely because He rose. Jesus rose to never face death again; all others who have been raised from the dead eventually died and remained dead. The word “martyr” points to His death, “firstborn of the dead” points to His resurrection.

3: How can we give God something He already has?

Power and glory already belong to God, we can do nothing to make them increase. However, we should acknowledge them and praise Him because He has them.

Why is Jesus mentioned last?

In the cultures of ancient times, and in the accepted use of the Greek language of John’s day, the first and last things mentioned were the most important. By putting God the Father first, and Jesus last, the emphasis is placed on the Father and the Son equally.