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The heavens will throw your marvels, YHVH, and more than that, your steadfastness

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in the assembly of the holy ones.

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That which is far beyond the reach of human beings will praise your marvelous works, Oh ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD, and more than that, they will praise your faithfulness to you own character in the presence of the angels gathered around you and ready to do your bidding.


1: "steadfastness":

Steadfastness and faithfulness are close to the same thing. In my paraphrase I add that his faithfulness is to His own character. God is not faithful to what we want, He is faithful to His own character, which provides us with what we need, even if we don’t know enough to want what we need. II Tim 2:13 says that God is faithful because He is unable to deny Himself.

2: "holy ones":

Because the context is “the heavens”, this phrase “holy ones” most likely refers to angels.