

May my prayer be set before You

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as incense, the lifting up of my hands


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as the evening offering.


May my habit of praying regularly be directed toward you in the same way that the smoke from the incense offering rises to you each day, and may my hands be raised to you as regularly as the evening offering.



While “set before you” is probably the most logical way to translate this verb in this setting, it is difficult to communicate the strength of this verb in English without making this sentence sound strange. The word means “to establish, to set up, to be firm or to make firm, to fix in place, to determine with assurance, to prepare, to direct something toward something else.” You will notice from these possible meanings that the word carries a sense of permanence. However, in Ps 141:2 one thing (our prayer) is set before God as, or like something else (incense.) For these reasons I have expressed in the paraphrase column the idea of prayer being habitual and consistent just like the incense offering is habitual and consistent. That is the closest we can come to “permanent” when it comes to our prayers. This also places more of a burden on us to be consistent in going to God in prayer. The more frequent and habitual our prayers are, the more they will be like the incense offering.

2: “Lifting up”

This verb does not have the sense of permanence that “set or establish” does, but the paraphrase column reflects its habitual nature because the other side of the comparison (the evening offering) was habitual and consistent just like the incense offering.