

I have strength to prevail

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[in] everything in

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the [one who] enables

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For I can victoriously confront any and every situation by staying closely connected to the one who enables me to.


1: "strength to prevail"

Paul uses two Greek words for “strength” in this verse. This first one is a common word for “strength, or power”. It refers to “physical vigor” and it is usually “used of engaging in combative situations, facing opposition” hence it results in “prevailing or overcoming”. In this case the main word for strength is intensified by a preposition which usually means “in or by”. It can only mean “can do” when it is followed by an infinitive, but there is no infinitive in this verse.

2: "in"

This is where we get our preposition “in”. It usually means “in the sphere of, or in the realm of”. But it can also point to agency, or the means by which something is accomplished.

3: "enables"

This is the Greek word from which we get our English words “dynamite, and dynamic”. This one does mean “power or capability to do something” however, context must indicate what is being done.