

So that you may be unmixed

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and not cause anyone to stumble

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until the day of CHRIST.

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So that you may be free from any impurities, and not cause anyone to stumble morally until the day THE ANOINTED MESSIAH assigns you punishment or reward.



The word I have rendered as “unmixed” is usually translated pure, but its basic meaning is actually unmixed. If something like gold is pure, it is called that because it is not mixed with other things, it has no impurities in it. To translate it “pure” is accurate, but I prefer “unmixed” because it is intended as a word picture, and it is that mental picture that gives the word its power.


The Greek word I have rendered as “not cause anyone to stumble” is often translated “without offense, or blameless.” It has two emphases, 1) is a life that is so free from wrongdoing that no one can make an honest accusation against the person. That is the idea behind “without offense,” however today that terminology has been made almost meaningless because people become offended at so many inconsequential things. But it is God who judges, and it is God who point out our shortcomings of character and action. This meaning seems to point to not causing an offense to God’s holiness, but at the same time living completely pure and blameless in the sight of those around us. 2) it also meant to “not cause others to stumble morally.” In fact this Greek word is taken from another Greek work that actually means “to stumble.” That makes me think that the meaning of this word should revolve primarily about our witness to others.


The phrase “day of” was used of someone with power and authority and referred to the occasion on which this person would be able to effect his will unhindered by outside influences, or (more likely) not held back by any personal decisions of timing or methodology. This person’s day had come, and he would fulfill his plan. Regarding God it usually refers to the time when He will execute judgement or deliver a reward, depending on which one was warranted. This action does not have to be at the end of all time for God is seen numerous times in Scripture coming to give people the consequence they have “earned.”