

His master said to him, “Well done you honorable and trustworthy servant! You were faithful in little; I will put you in charge of many. Enter

Go to footnote number

into your master’s favor.”


His master said to him, “Good job, my honorable and trustworthy servant! Since you proved yourself faithful in the little things, I will assign you administrative responsibility over many large things. With this you have now entered into my favor and I will always remember what you have done.



This is an imperative verb (i.e. a command) but the reality is that the servant has already won the favor of his master by what he has done. This way of saying it was chosen because it sounds stronger and because this is the moment the servant is made aware of the favor he has garnered. The timing of when the servant entered into a position of favor with his master is less important than the force with which that favor is being communicated. The translation shows the wording of the Greek and the paraphrase reflects the fact that the master’s favor has already been won and the only thing lacking are the positive consequences which accompany his favor. The same wording is used in verse 23 so it need not be translated again.