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But he that endures

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to the end,

he shall be saved.

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But, in contrast to those people, the one that remains faithful and godly to the end will be saved.



The context requires that we see enduring as refraining from lawlessness, maintaining the proper godly standard even when everyone else has gone mad.


Is this salvation spiritual, or physical or both? Well, Jesus does not say what they would be saved from. It could be saved from the wrath of the Romans, but usually, when a people group is punished for its sins, the entire people group suffers, not just the evil ones among them. Many righteous people have suffered for not trying to do something to combat the evil present in their culture. It could be that Jesus was talking about spiritual salvation – being saved from the punishment of sins. However, everything else in this passage so far has been about physical realities, not spiritual ideas. I think that Jesus purposefully left it ambiguous in order to communicate something to this effect: “The ones that remain committed to God’s standard and live accordingly, God will take note of and He will do right by them.” Jesus left it open-ended on purpose. Those that heard Him would know that the important thing is for us to live rightly, and leave the results to God who sees how we live and will recompense us in a way that is just and right.