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During that time many will become highly displeased,

Go to footnote number

and they will betray one another and hate one another.

Go to footnote number


During that time, many will become extremely disgruntled and will be drawn into sin, for instance, they will betray their spiritual brothers and will hate their spiritual brothers.


1: “become highly displeased”

In its active form the verb used here means “to cause someone to stumble by putting a snare, a trap or an obstacle in their way, or to cause to sin.” The passive form, which is used here, means “to become offended by something and no longer trust someone that should be trusted.” The “taking offense” that is described here is so strong that the person in question considers the person or the situation scandalous. We get our word “scandal” from this Greek word.


Did Jesus mean Jews hating Jews or Christians hating other Christians? Probably both. We must remember that Jesus was a Jew, and the first Christians were all Jews. They were both Jews and Christians. With only a few exception, they lived like Jews should live while also living like Christians should. He was definitely talking about Jews hating fellow Jews, and then Christians doing the same later on. In the paraphrase I have chosen to couch it as “their spiritual brothers” because that can refer to Jews or Christians.

These types of things happened between the dissenting factions of the Jews prior to the destruction of the temple and were so severe as to be noted in the historical records.