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And when King HEROD heard this he

was troubled,

Go to footnote number 1


all JERUSALEM was troubled with him.

Go to footnote number 2


When the King, who was A SELF-PROCLAIMED HERO, heard this he was perplexed and agitated, and everyone else in THE PEACEFUL PLACE felt that way too.


1: “he was troubled"

Suddenly the SELF-PROCLAIMED HERO was not feeling very heroic. Everything he had achieved was built by his own efforts and connections, he did not want it to come tumbling down. Now this SELF-PROCLAIMED, SELF-INFLATED HERO was being threatened by the birth of a peasant baby!

2: “all Jerusalem was troubled with him”

The PEACEFUL PLACE was not feeling very peaceful, in fact there was great turmoil. This was well-founded for Herod had proved to them what kind of man he was; in his insane jealousy he had killed his father-in-law, several of his 10 wives, and 2 of his sons. If he was troubled, the people of the city had reason to be troubled.